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5 Tips for Getting Readers Interested in Your Book

Many self-publishing authors need help finding readers once they have a completed and published book. Marketing for a self-publishing author is a different skill set than writing. However, understanding how to get readers interested in their book is the key to a successful author career.

1. Be Clear on the Contents

A title, cover, and blurb that clearly tells the reader the genre and tone of a fictional book allows the right readers to be matched with the right book. A custom book cover designer can help a self-publishing author create a cover that will attract readers of that genre.

A blurb that tells the reader what tropes to expect from the fictional book will allow readers who love those tropes to find the book. Likewise, non-fiction books should clarify what problem they will solve for the reader.

A reader picking up a self-publishing author’s book at a table

2. Talk to Readers

Author events and book signings are great for authors to meet readers. When a reader shows interest in their book, it is helpful if the self-publishing author has a planned “elevator pitch” to tell the reader exactly what their book will deliver. The pitch should be intriguing but not reveal too much about the story. Unfortunately, self-publishing authors often make the mistake of trying to tell potential readers paragraphs worth of information about the story, which usually ends in an overwhelmed listener who is no longer interested.

3. Social Media

There are many opportunities for authors to share information about their books on social media. This can include making book trailers, book cover reveals, character interviews, and book-related skits.

Social media posts should create interest by telling readers what they will get from the book. For example, will the book solve a problem? Will it give them a certain feeling?

4. Influencers

Influencers and social media go hand in hand, but they are not quite the same thing. For example, authors should actively promote their books on social media, but they should also try to get others to promote them.

Self-publishing authors can reach out to influencers and ask if they can offer them a book in exchange for an honest review or if they can create a sponsored video.

5. Reviews

Book reviews can give readers information about a book and offer social proof that it is worth their time. Getting reviews can be tricky, but a few things can help.

Book giveaways can encourage reviews by getting the book into the hands of readers. In addition, investing in digital printing services allows authors multiple formats for giveaways.

Also, authors can include a note either at the start or end of their book asking readers to review it. They can also encourage reviews on their social media.
Authors should think outside the box to find fun ways to get readers interested in their books.

Marketing may be tricky, but publishing doesn’t have to be. InstantPublisher has all the tools self-publishing authors need for vanity book printing. Call today for more information 1-800-259-2592.

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