Today’s Writing Tips are for Inspiration and Organization!

{ It’s time! Bring Out The Book in You! }

Remember a few things first:

1) Give some thought to plot.

2) Complete a first draft.

3) Be prepared to revise.

4) Get feedback.

5) Put it aside.

Who is your favorite writer? Read their work. You certainly won’t copy them, but just reading their work will sometimes serve as inspiration for you. Like an artist sometimes views many pictures before they finally begin to draw.

Take a walk – a real walk. Is there a park nearby, or a lake? Go somewhere where you can actually be in nature and enjoy the simple beauty. Make SURE to bring your pad and pen! (Always!)

Now, when you feel as if you are getting a bit more inspired, then begin thinking of your plot. Start free writing. Just write what comes to mind and do NOT worry about editing right now. Next, make your first draft and be prepared to revise because you will revise and probably revise more than twice! Always get feedback from an objective person. Mom may not work too well. Finally, put it aside. Yes, simply walk off from your masterpiece in work for an entire day. Make sure when you go to bed at night you have the pad and pen handy! You may need it!

*More Writing Tips!

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