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Creative Writing Tips and Self-Publishing

We’ve said it before and we now say it again – You are only words away from seeing your dream become a reality. If you’re one of our faithful fans, you may notice on our Facebook page how often we say, “Start writing!” Well, we say that because it’s true. So many people have much to say, and their story could turn into a high selling literary work! But…if you don’t start, you won’t finish. And if you don’t finish, you won’t see your creation in book form – which is life! Your living book will remain forever in your mind and not a soul will know about the words that you so desperately want to share. With that said, let’s talk about creative writing and how InstantPublisher can help make your dream a reality and bring your book to life!

Self-Publishing is one of the most, if not the most, popular and effective ways to successfully publish today. InstantPublisher was created to make it easy for the new or even established author, to create their work in the comfort of their own home and submit it electronically to be printed and published – and become fully ready for marketing and hitting those book shelves! (You are in control of your money too – all of it!)

Let’s begin at ground zero – where the mind is full and ready to go full-steam forward, yet the hand has not quite caught up because no writing has started! So, let’s talk creative writing tips and help you get started with your special project! It’s time! No more procrastinating or thinking that you cannot write a book – because you can write a book!

1) Start Writing!

Many established authors will tell you that one of the ways they tend to write best is to just write. In fact, a large majority will tell you that they do not edit as they go, but write in free form and go back and edit later, so as not to interrupt the creativity that is flowing! An experienced writer will also tell you – Some of the best ideas come at the most inopportune times, so keep recorder and/or pen and paper handy. If you get a great idea at 3:00a.m. and need to begin writing, most likely you will not want to stop your flow and edit here and there. No worries! You will always have a chance to edit, edit, edit – later.

2) Let the Words Flow!

Let the words flow and worry about details later. But, no matter what kind of editor you are, make sure of one thing – NEVER allow a story to contain misspelled words or incorrect grammar. The main thing to remember when writing is to let it flow. Then, when you are ready to consider editing, start simple. Begin with getting rid of the “fluff.” Fluff is unneeded words or characters that really have no compelling impact within the story and scenes that, if left out, would never be missed.

3) Editing!

Regarding editing again – keep in mind that even the most famous of authors write several drafts before they are completely satisfied. Take your time. Notice the words, take your time – not, take your lifetime! Yes, you do want to see your story in book form before you leave the planet! And InstantPublisher would too! So, hang in there!

If you know anything about method acting, you may be familiar with the methods of Stanislavsky or Lee Strasberg. The art of method acting draws upon personal, real life situations and then applying those emotions experienced into a script. So, when the actor speaks – he is speaking from real emotion, unlike character acting, which is essentially, “acting.” Point is this: When it comes to creative writing and reviewing the plethora of creative writing tips out there – consider this: Think, think, and think. What does this mean? It means, bury yourself as best you can. Seclude yourself as best you can and begin to delve far into the past as you develop your novel. What is your plot? What is the main theme? What is the conflict and resolution within your story? You probably have answers to all of these questions, but when it comes to actually writing your story – you will have to reflect. Again, you will have to reflect. This may mean digging deep into the far recesses of your mind where you remember things that perhaps might not be so pleasurable – or, could be extremely pleasurable! It’s okay though. You can do it. In fact, many writers and actors will tell you that it is and can be quite therapeutic. It’s referred to as “release.” By allowing yourself – giving yourself permission – to revisit particular events in your life – you not only have a chance to possibly come up with healthy resolutions, but, at the same time, you will grasp that old feeling and raw emotion again. And THAT is the precise moment in which you need to begin to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. DO NOT worry about editing right now. Just write. Allow your creativity to flow.

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