3 Self-Publishing Myths

Self-publishing isn’t new, but changes in technology, particularly the internet, have made self-publishing more available to the masses in recent years. Despite this, most authors don’t know much about self-publishing and often fall into the trap of believing outdated or incorrect myths about self-publishing. Here are three myths about self-publishing authors should know. Continue reading

3 Tips for Working with ARC Readers

ARCs or Advance Reader Copies are books that authors send out, usually before the official publication date. The publisher typically prints these books in small quantities as a bookish draft. This ensures that the interior book design and custom book covers look as expected once they move from the digital realm to the physical realm.

Self-publishing authors can work with ARC readers to create buzz around their book before the official release date. However, working with ARC readers can be challenging for self-publishing authors. Here are a few things to remember: Continue reading