Time Management – How to Find Time to Write your Book

Braking Your Time Down-

First of all, determine how much time you spend doing things that don’t really matter in terms of the big picture? I’m not talking about things you have to do like dishes, or working at your job, or taking care of your children? These are important things in life. I’m talking about things like watching TV or playing online games or playing on your X-Box. In the long run do these types of activities really matter. Okay, some TV shows are great, but what about reruns? What about watching the commercials? Every hour of TV has about fifteen minutes of commercials. Use those fifteen minutes wisely to write your book!

No Schedule-

Writing does not require a disciplined schedule. It doesn’t require the latest, fastest computer on the planet. It does not require a $100 pen. It requires a few minutes of thought here and there, and then later, tying those thoughts together.

Always Keep Pen & Paper-

Get a pen or pencil and some paper, or a laptop…whatever is comfortable for you. Go ahead and sit down in front of the TV, and when the commercial comes on, write. Make this a habit, and you will see the results. You’ll see your book in print.

If sheets of paper seem intimidating use sticky notes, use the side of a paper lunch bag.

The point is to break big things down into small things. Rather than staying at a desk for hours, give yourself five-minute writing spurts. Challenge yourself not to fill several pages, but just a small piece of paper. If you’re using your laptop, it’s great if you can turn on the word count so you can watch it increase. Write 100 words. Then 500, or 1,000. Each evening, try to break the previous day’s record. Make it into a game. Most of the time the story will flow for you, from mind to paper or laptop.

Small Goals-

Let’s say a typical novel-250 pages-runs around 100,000 words. If you write 1,000 words a night, you’ll be done in 100 days. If you only write 500 words a night, you’ll be done in 200 days. You can take off weekends. This may boost writing chapters during the week. You’ll have a rough draft for your novel, in no time. Keep up the good work, and reach your small goals. Remember every small goal you achieve will assist you in getting your book into print.

Remember patience and determination will get the book completed.

Writing the Novel-

You may say some of my writing is good, and some of it is bad. I have to proof, and proof it again, before publishing. Your goal may be to write 500 words and those 500 words are badly written, at least you have them on paper or on your laptop. You can always edit them later. The main thing is to write. Keep writing and edit later. That’s half the battle.
If you find you don’t have time to write during a TV show, write when you are picking up your kids from soccer practice or from ballet practice. You may write some inspiring chapters or words in just fifteen minutes. Do you commute 30 minutes a day? Do you babysit 2hours per day? Do you take your kids to the park or playground for 30 minutes a day? During these precious times, you may use a recording device or voice recorder. Record any thoughts, and later type them on your laptop.

Make Time –

Do you have a lunch break at work? Even if your break time is 30 minutes, take five to write some thoughts, write something. You can always edit later.

Do you have to walk the dog every morning? After, no during this must-walk-the-dog-time use your voice recorder, and record your early morning thoughts. Remember if it’s just five minutes, this may spark your ideas for another chapter or another introduction.

Do you exercise at the gym every afternoon? Before or after you exercise use your iPhone or smart phone to record or write some brief thoughts. These thoughts may have different inspiration because you feel better when going to a gym or you know you’re reaching your exercise goals. Take time to assist your goal of writing a book, even if it’s 3-5 minutes.

Time exists all around us if we take advantage of the opportunity. If you put your mind to it you can write your book. It takes discipline-fifteen minutes a day is sufficient. Pick up your pen or open your laptop. The commercials are about to come on.

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5 More Ways to Cure Writer’s Block

6. Limit Writing Time

If you’re a procrastinator, this might work for you. It works for those under pressure. Instead of writing for an entire day. Write an article, and restrict yourself to two or three hours. Sometimes knowing that you have a whole day to complete an assignment or book will only succeed in giving you an excuse to slack off. You think to yourself “It’s okay if I hang out with the girls (for girl’s day out) because I have the whole day… it won’t take very long, and I can write later”, or “I’ll just go play tennis for awhile and maybe something will come to me.” This usually leads to wasted time. Tell yourself, for example, that it has to be completed by 1pm, no excuses, no ifs ands or buts. Make no excuses about completing your work.

7. Read a Book, Magazine or Newspaper

Sometimes scanning the headlines or flipping through the images can inspire you, when browsing through a book, magazine, or newspaper. Seeing a headline that says “Loose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks” might inspire you to write “10 Ways to Get Fit”, and so on. Reading current news can also help you think of an idea for your personal writing adventure. Also, reading for fun can help too. If you love to read National Geographic. You may be inspired from a favorite article or subject you find.

8. Always Carry a Voice Recorder or Notebook

Write down or record your ideas…anytime and anyplace. This will provide inspiration as you use your notes or listen to your voice notes. It’s very easy to forget about the things that inspire us as we go about our daily lives, so keeping a log can be a real lifesaver. This will spark us to expound upon a topic for your next chapter or next book.

9. Mind Mapping

Brainstorming, if you will, and write all your ideas on paper. Write down anything and everything you want to say about a particular topic. Try linking together your most unusual ideas. Once you have everything written down, it’s easy to sort ideas into categories and find something interesting to write about. For example, write down all words related to a picnic. (pickles, apples, oranges, sandwiches, chips, blanket, basket, peanut butter, knife, fork ,etc) Then you may write about a romantic couple having a picnic in the middle of the park.

10. Meditation

Meditate. Having a healthy body is important. Making time to meditate helps all aspects of life. However, emotional and psychological stresses, of daily life, convey tension and worsen our episodes of Writer’s Block. The answer is MEDITATE. Meditation at the beginning of everyday, for example, brings harmony to our body, mind and soul. It helps the thought process. It will help the writing juices flow, and you’ll write better every time you pull out your laptop or little notebook. Conquer your Writer’s Block.

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