Title: The Lazarus Generation
Author: Velma Crow
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction
Price: $12.50
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 138
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: Jun, 2006
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About this Book: |
THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ. It will awaken the buried destiny framed by your forgotten dreams and cause hope to spring forth into faith as it leads you into deeper development of godly character and healing of your soul. It is a timely, information highway through the valley of dead dreams to their resurrection and establishment in the community of Kingdom development. You will be inspired to stretch forth your withered dream, prophesying to those dead bones to live again, infused with the breath of the Spirit of the Living God. So many people are on the brink of unfulfillment, ready to forget their dreams. Many dreams have already been abandoned. THE LAZARUS GENERATION will reignite the flame of desire and guide them to the full establishment of their divine call. It will cause you to be able to believe again.
About the Author: |
VELMA CROW Ordained and Licensed Minister, Founder and President of The Ministry Network, Co-Founder of Wisdom Merchants. She is an anointed, experienced conference speaker and teacher who flows in the Spirit, often addressing issues with the skill of a trained surgeon both on the corporate and individual levels with words of wisdom and words of knowledge. Dedicated to the revealing of the Sons of God, her heart is to be used in propagating knowledge of the Living God and life in the Spirit, establishing skillful and godly wisdom in those around her. Velma carries a strong prophetic anointing tempered with mercy and operates in the Seer gift. She ministers inner healing, releasing the wounded to love and live in the fullness of their destiny.
Book Review: |
THIS TEACHING IS LIFE CHANGING, a rare combination of spiritual surgery and Holy Ghost healing, administered by Reverend Crow with that combination of skill and finesse that comes with maturing of an apostle. Even lunch was spent discussing what we were learning. I don’t think anyone left the same that day. Pastor Cindy Bruce Mineral Wells, Texas
As I began to digest the meat of this exciting adventure to resurrect my dreams, some buried in several layers of rejection, loss, grief and emotional pain, I soon realized not one is really lost, dead, or unsalvageable. As I will continue to follow the guidelines to their resurrection, so marvelously based on God’s word and His will in THE LAZARUS GENERATION, I have renewed hope, increased faith and joy unspeakable! This anointed work the Lord has given Velma to share with us, will place the Christian community on the plateaus our Heavenly Father intended all along. Shirley J Parrish, Founder, My Father’s House Christian Finishing School
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