Title: Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future
Author: Thomas Valone
Category: Science, Professional & Technical, Nonfiction
Price: $22.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 236
ISBN Number: 978-0-9641070-2-1
Publication Date: Sept, 2007
Website: www.IntegrityResearchInstitute.org
Email: iri@erols.com |
About this Book: |
This book demonstrates the exciting promise that zero point energy, which supports every atom and molecule, will soon be used directly to power a car, house, or spaceship. With a clear, simple-to-understand style, a former college teacher provides the only book with the history and science of zero point energy.
About the Author: |
Thomas Valone is an engineering physicist with 25 years of experience in emerging energy sciences. His Engineering PhD thesis was a "Feasibility Study" using zero point energy in a practical manner, from Warren National University. His Masters Degree is in physics from the State University of NY at Buffalo.
Book Review: |
Review by Jeane Manning – Science Journalist (excerpt)
When Los Alamos national laboratory physicist Peter Milonni wrote a book titled
The Quantum Vacuum, and published it in 1994, engineering physicist Thomas Valone decided it was time to do his own separate book to make the information accessible to the layperson. That’s Valone’s new book Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future. Its premise is that soon we’ll be able to use ZPE (his shorthand for zero-point energy) to power cars and houses. His book is indeed welcome. We might not easily follow the formal language of the Milonni book. In contrast, the language of Valone’s latest book is conversational. “…the fluctuations of ZPE must be imprinted on your mind. To me, this is the key to an energy solution. Just like a refrigerator or heat pump forces heat to go in one direction only, this ‘rectification’ of heat can also be applied to non-thermal fluctuations.” For example, Milonni explains that “quantum noise” can be amplified. Valone predicts that amplifying spontaneous emissions will be an important tool for the vacuum engineer to use when a circuit component such as a diode is chosen to convert ZPE to electricity.
Order/Contact Info: |
Thomas Valone, PhD, PE
Integrity Research Institute
5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209
Beltsville MD 20705
800-295-7674, 202-452-7674