Title: CANDY WHITE (The early years)
Author: Terry D. Modl
Category: Religion & Spiritual
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 111
ISBN Number: 978-0-692-00754-9
Publication Date: February, 2010
Website: candywhitebooks.com
Email: terry@candywhitebooks.com |
About this Book: |
Candy White (The early years) is a heart-warming, inspiring story of a 9 year old girl, Candy White, who loves life on the farm in northern Iowa. The story begins during the Christmas season of 1969, and Candy is truly anticipating the joy of the season. Candy's early years are filled with love, challenges, heartaches and victory. This is simply a "good read" for all ages, and many have said it's a hard book to put down. Follow Candy as she goes on an incredible journey through the early years of her life. This is a book you won't soon forget, and it could very well change your life forever.
About the Author: |
Terry D. Modl has served as a pastor, evangelist, song-writer and gospel music singer. He was born in Wisconsin on October 9, 1948, to Eugene and Phyllis Modl. His passion for writing has produced this wonderful series about Candy White. Even though Candy's story came directly from Terry's imagination, you'll become attached to the characters portrayed in this series, and they will become as real to you as they are to Terry.
Book Review: |
Quotes from readers: "Can't stop reading it." "Can't put it down." "I laughed and cried all the way through the book." "Very impressing." "Wow." "Truly remarkable." "I love it." "I feel like I know the people in this book." "When is the next book in the Candy White series going to be available?" "Wonderful writing." "I want to send copies to people I know." "This is a great book for all ages."
Order/Contact Info: |
ORDER BY MAIL: Candy White Books...CWB Publishing. P.O. box 272, Aitkin, Mn. 56431-0272.
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