Title: Following His Lead
Author: Tara Eileen Youngblood
Category: Religion & Spiritual
Price: $9.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 38
ISBN Number:
Publication Date:
Email: refineme@tampabay.rr.com |
About this Book: |
How many daily meditation books have you gotten only part way through? This is a devotional of a different sort, written with a single month in mind.
This is an accumulation of actual email devotionals sent to those on a list who desired motivational and lifting words on a daily basis. Inspired through the writers eye of the Word along with the writer's experience with recovery, this book makes practical reading for those who desire practical christian living in the moment.
About the Author: |
A diverse native of New York, now residing in Florida. This teacher, counselor, dance instructor with multiple years of sobreity, has decided to finally step out into the larger public eye. She is a motivating individual who lives each day with a trust in the truth of the Word. Her words have soothed many a friend in her travels. She has the inspiration of all her life experiences to bring a thoughtful moment to anyone who steps into something she has written. Her diverse nature and abilities make her a complete experience of life on life's terms with love, no matter what the situation she has encountered has been.
Book Review: |
Inspired by the idea of daily meditations read over the years, this book is a breif month long example to have waiting in your favorite reading spot. Not another daily book of a year long reading, it offers the notion of completion to those who have come to realize that following through as He leads is a day at a time for a season. No more piles of books for each subject, with only a few pages appreciated during the year. Now there is an inspirational book that can be completed and passed along to spread the hope, peace and faith that so many search a lifetime without completely finding. Written in everyday terms for those who shy from the Word of God with all its choices of translation, this everyday journey will reach those who never thought they would be inspired by God.
Order/Contact Info: |
Tara Eileen Youngblood