Title: Pound Cake for Sweetpea
Author: T.T. Bridgeman
Category: Literature & Fiction, Love & Relationships
Price: $14.95
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 287
ISBN Number: 1-59196-912-3
Publication Date: 4/2005
Website: www.middletonbooksinc.com
Email: ttbridgeman@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
PoundCake for Sweetpea is the story of Troi Jones, a compassionate woman who owns a bakery and learns the recipe for true love through a heart staking separation from her husband. Troi’s tale is one that reader’s can relate to as her emotions and reactions grow from the woman who thought love would be all that her childhood dreams had so innocently depicted to the woman that is affectionate, yet secure and light-hearted but knows what she wants. Through the undying bond with her comical and emotional friends, who share their stories of growth as well, Troi learns to find and accept real love and friendship without sacrificing the life and love she dreamed of as a child.
This novel was released in April 2005.
About the Author: |
T.T. Bridgeman is a wife and mother of two sons. She currently lives in White Plains, Maryland where she is completing her second novel.
Book Review: |
Why is it that as a child, love seems so easy? You
always imagine marrying the perfect person and
having the baddest house and cars. Everything is
as it’s supposed to be—even right down to the exact
number of children you’re supposed to have. Then
somewhere in your teens, love begins to show you
its other side—the sides that as a child you can’t
even begin to fathom. You begin to see the ups the
downs and the betrayals and wonder if this love
thing is all you imagined it to be. The child in you
hold on to the fantasy, while the adult in you begins
to question every person you encounter. If you’re
lucky, your fantasy will become your reality. If
you’re not, your reality was just a dream based on a
childhood fantasy.
Order/Contact Info: |
T.T. Bridgeman