Title: Desserts- A Delicious Learning, Baking, and Eating Experience
Author: Sylvia Lee
Category: Cooking
Price: $24.40
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 90
ISBN Number: 0-9742452-0-8
Publication Date: October,2003
Email: greentreepub@aol.com |
About this Book: |
These delicious Viennese style cakes come with VERY easy directions in a format that is non traditional and innovative.
The cakes are the favorites that were baked from a pastry shop that provided desserts to all the 4 star restaurants ,in the area as well as clubs, gourmet stores, private homes, and gourmet fund raisers.
The recipes are truly delicious!!!!
About the Author: |
Sylvia Lee had a very popular pastry shop for many years in the Detroit area. When she sold her business, former customers begged her to write a book so that they could continue to enjoy the delicious desserts.
Book Review: |
Jim Lark, owner, The Lark Restaurant:
"We've had the privilege of serving a variety of Sylvia Lee's cakes at the Lark Restaurant and every one of them was delicious. She obviously has a perfect palate, which is essential to create a great cuisine. I'm getting hungry just remembering her Chocolate Framboise Torte and Lemon Crunch Roll."
Order/Contact Info: |
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