Title: Science in the Kitchen, Fearless Science At Home for All Ages
Author: Susan K. Stewart
Category: Education & Language, Science, Nonfiction
Price: $12.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 54
ISBN Number: 0-9767394-0-2
Publication Date: April 2005
Website: www.skstewart.com
Email: susan@skstewart.com |
About this Book: |
Lab science is experimenting, or playing around, with stuff to find out what happens. Science is something students do.
Doing science is the philosophy behind Science in the Kitchen. Susan K. Stewart helps eliminate science-phobia by showing how to use any curriculum at home, where to get science supplies, and takes the mystery out of the big three: physics, biology, and chemistry. This unique approach will help you with
* Understanding what science is
* Using common household items
* Developing a science course
* Sample lesson plans
* Sample labs
* Resources for lab equipment & science studies
About the Author: |
Susan K. Stewart is a teacher, writer, and speaker. Beginning in 1981, she taught her three children at home for 19 years and is considered a pioneer in the modern home education movement. Prior to that time, Susan taught in pubic and private schools. Susan's workshop, by the same name, has been a conference favorite since 1995.
Book Review: |
"From the backyard to the kitchen -- Susan's book takes up where the Backyard Scientist series left off, debunking the myth that high school science courses require a home school family to invest in expensive laboratory equipment and supplies. Science in the Kitchen will make biology, chemistry, and physics user-friendly no matter which curriculum is being used."
-- Sharon Grimes: Founder, LEAH, Inc., New York; Pastor's wife; and homeschool conference speaker
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