Title: Tree Swallow's Missing Door
Author: Steven and Wendy Siegel
Category: Children, Nature, Arts & Photography
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 32
ISBN Number: 978-09790502-0-2
Publication Date: Oct 2006
Email: sv4birds@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
Being without a home is no fun…even for a bird. That's what happens to a Tree Swallow when he returns from the South one spring. He finds a nice bird house, but can't find it's front door. Not knowing much about home building, he assumes the door is lost.
Follow Tree Swallow as he visits his neighbors, hoping to find the lost door. As he goes he learns something about how different birds live, and that what is good for someone else may not be the best thing for him. He also learns that a little patience goes a long way in getting what you want.
About the Author: |
Steven Siegel, MD and Wendy Siegel are a husband and wife team in the field of Pediatrics. Dr. Siegel doubles as a wildlife videographer. They have produced several successful videos about birds, including one for small children. This is their first effort at a book. The bird paintings in this book were modeled after video images taken by the author.
Book Review: |
No formal reviews yet, but preschoolers in our office listen to the story with unflagging attention. Second and third graders grab it and read it through. The response has been generally positive.
Order/Contact Info: |
1-866-DVD-4KIDS (yes, it's a doctor's office.)