Title: Irrebuttable Presumption
Author: Stanley Wellington
Category: Literature & Fiction, Entertainment, Love & Relationships
Price: $19.95
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 245
ISBN Number: ISBN 1-59196-402-4
Publication Date: Nov,2003
Website: marrlandfilmsbooks.com
Email: marrlandfilmsintl@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
Bradley Dalton is the district attorney for Baltimore City. He loses his wife and child in childbirth. To make some sense of his loss he tries to save the lives of other unborn children by challenging "Roe v Wade." In order to do so he prosecutes a
doctor and mother-to-be on the charges of attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder. The wild cards in this proceding is a genuis who has wasted his life
in the pursuit of petty crimes, a loveable challenged man, and an evil extreme pro-lifer.
About the Author: |
Mr.Wellington has written many screenplays, three novels, a book of poems and
three plays for stage. Many film industry veterans have expressed an interest in working with the writer but those efforts have yet to reach fruition. Mr.Wellington
has pitched projects to Showtime and has garnered the interest of October Films(now USA Films) executive. Mr. Wellington writes in all genres, all mediums all formats. He has produced a completed pilot for an half an hour tv show and self published two of his first three books.
Book Review: |
Irrebuttable Presumption is a heart wrenching tale about a man's loss, his convictions and the cruel nature of the world. Someone with the best of intentions can hurt themselves and others despite their best efforts. History
and your own conscious must determine if the ends justified the means.
Order/Contact Info: |
Contact the writer, Mr.Stanley Wellington at