Title: A Drugdealer's Destiny
Category: Mystery & Thrillers, Literature & Fiction, Love & Relationships
Price: $13.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 240
ISBN Number: 978-1-60458-003-7
Publication Date: JUNE 2010
About this Book: |
Sean Rae, aka Teflon Sean decided to give his new chance at freedom a different approach. While serving a five-year sentence, Teflon created the perfect clothing line. Though his major task would not come in the form of establishing the business, instead, trying to convert his old crew would soon prove unyielding. Shelly, his companion since childhood, supported the idea from the start, but it didn't help that her starstudded hairsalon was falling into extreme tax troubles. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, Teflon desperately searched and found a solution to it all: THE STREETS. Would Teflon's past and sudden impulse land him back in the slammer for life or would he dodge the bullet that fate had fired?
The Street's Laws of Motion: For every action there's a reaction in 'tha hood.
About the Author: |
Shon D. Hicks born to John Hicks and Lola Mae Redfern-Hicks (may she rest in peace) on June 17, 1976 in Concord, NC. Shon currently resides in a Federal Correction Complex in Petersburg, Va on drug charges where he is patiently waiting on his freedom.
A Drugdealer's Destiny's bookcover is the finished product of Shon's expertise in art. Shon designed and airbrushed his bookcover to create an outside vision of his book. He is an author, an artist and a wonderful singer. You can expect more from him in the years to come.
His wife and best friend, Jacquelyne A. Hicks, has helped to create a manuscript into the book it is today.
Book Review: |
"...I'm 'sayin...the Dude is ai'ight, but I could've done 'betta."
- Rising author, Typical Hater
"Finally an illustrious writer that goes against the status quo of Urban genre."
- New York Times best selling author
"King of Cons", Aaron Tonken
Order/Contact Info: |
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