Title: In Pursuit of the Rise
Author: Rudy Senarighi
Category: Nonfiction, Nature
Price: $12.50
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 207
ISBN Number: ISBN 978-0-615-23906-4
Publication Date: October, 2008
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About this Book: |
As a follow-up to his first book, Listen for the Whitethroats, Senarighi has collected twelve more stories from his fifty years of fishing Minnesota’s Northshore, specifically the Arrowhead Region. The stories are filled with descriptions of fishing, fishing holes, fishing humor, the rugged and pastoral beauty of the Northshore and the odd and interesting characters he ran across when fishing. Throughout the stories he presents his musings on nostalgia, friendship, ethics, conservation and surviving cancer.
About the Author: |
Rudy Senarighi was born and raised in Cloquet, Minnesota. He attended the University of Minnesota at Duluth and Graduated in 1969. He began trout fishing as a youngster in Minnesota, often riding his bicycle eight miles in the dark to be able to be on the stream by sunrise. This has continued to be a passion with him to today. Rudy taught junior high school in Superior, Wisconsin for seven years before deciding to go back to school for graduate work in Educational Psychology. He moved to Door County, Wisconsin and was employed by the Sturgeon Bay Schools for 25 years as their middle school guidance counselor. A diagnosis of cancer in February of 2000 prompted him to reassess his life’s priorities. In January of 2003, he retired from the position of Guidance Counselor. He currently does educational training and consulting work. Rudy spends his leisure time gardening, reading, running, fishing and writing. This is his second book.
Book Review: |
Immerse yourself in Senarighi's much-loved northern Minnesota deep woods as he escorts you on fishing expeditions that always turn out to be more than just that. Meet Sigurd Olsen's spirit and Rudy's fishing buddies, all of whom it can be said, loom large (sometimes literally!) in Rudy's life. Laugh with them at the occasional mishap in remote places and see, really see, Senarighi's rich descriptions of hidden fishing spots. Here's a memoir to be relished by both the fishing and nonfishing community as each tale unfolds while adroitly revealing life lessons. Francha Barnard
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