Title: Building Sand Castles - A Baby Boomer's Journey Through Addictions
Author: Robert C. Grupe
Category: Self-Improvement, Biographies & Memoirs, Diet & Health
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 148
ISBN Number: 0-9662-278-5-9
Publication Date: May, 2007
Website: www.robertgrupe.com
Email: cre8futr@aol.com |
About this Book: |
An award-winning author's autobiographical journey through the pathology of addiction. Whether it's an eating disorder, substance abuse, anger management, workaholic issues or chronic depression - our society is filled with a myriad of addictions. Robert C. Grupe, featured in Who's Who in America, sheds light on what needs to be understood and addressed in this revealing book. There are solutions and positive options in life. Dr. Grupe shares those strategies he has personally discovered while dealing with addictions that have impacted his life.
About the Author: |
An Oklahoma resident since 1969, Robert C. Grupe has written poetry, several business books as well as short stories. A former broadcaster and university instructor, he is on the Board of Directors of the World Association of Persons with Disabilities.
Book Review: |
"In this book, Dr. Grupe vividly illustrates the many compulsions that often drive us without our even being aware of how consuming they are. He courageously explores where they come from in our childhoods and families. He holds a mirror in which we can begin to examine our own lives."
Howard F. Stein, PhD
Professor and Special Assistant to the Chair
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Author of Listening Deeply and Insight and Imagination
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