Title: Building Sandcastles - A Baby Boomer's Journey Through Addictions
Author: Robert C. Grupe, Ph.D.
Category: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spiritual, Medical
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 140
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: April 2007
Website: www.robertgrupe.com
Email: cre8futr@aol.com |
About this Book: |
A revealing look at the author's challenge with addictions. Whether it's an eating disorder, substance abuse, anger issues, workaholism or chronic depression- there is a thread which needs to be understood and addressed. "BUILDING SANDCASTLES -A Baby Boomers Journey Through Addictions" paints a personal picture of hope in a world today when many are questioning the content and direction of their lives.
About the Author: |
Robert C. Grupe, Ph.D. is the author of several business books, a former broadcaster and member of the board of Directors, World Association of Person's with Disabilities.
Nearing age 60, he feels compelled to share his personal stories relating to addictions which have spanned his life from an early age.
Book Review: |
While many behavioral health care providers may feel overwhelmed with the lack of success in treatment of addictions and compulsions, here comes the life story of one individual who has shown that a Higher Power offers change opportunities at the most amazing moments. There is humor in Dr. Grupe's stories as well as a sadness when looking back at how things could have been processed differently. There is great hope in this book for each person who faces obsessions, compulsions and all the myriad lack of options of which addictions are comprised. Is there meaning in life? Grupe shows that there is profound meaning waiting for each of us.
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