Title: The Secret of The Great White Race
Author: Richard T. Osborne
Category: Nonfiction, History, Education & Language
Price: $4.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 24
ISBN Number: 9781427601766
Publication Date: June 2006
Website: http://richard-t-osborne.netfirms.com
Email: rto77626@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
For centuries the Caucasian race has led the world in education, discovery, and invention. Exactly, how is this so? How do we explain it? The reader can discover the secret of the great white race as the author takes the reader on a revealing journey through time, dispelling equalitarian dilusions and Jewish myths.
About the Author: |
Mr. Osborne has researched this subject extensively for years and has acquired a very large personal library from which he obtains his knowledge and draws his conclusions.
Book Review: |
A history of the Biblical tribes of Israel, especially the 10 Lost Tribes. The author connects this Biblical history with the secular history of the Caucasian race to show that the latter and the former are one and the same people. The book helps to explain the success and progress of the Caucasian peoples, especially the Aryan tribes.
Order/Contact Info: |
Cobra Press
P.O. Box 1257
Mauriceville, Texas 77626