Title: The Coming of World War III
Author: Richard T. Osborne
Category: Nonfiction, History, Education & Language
Price: $15.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 64
ISBN Number: 9781424305520
Publication Date: Aug 2006
Website: http://richard-t-osborne.netfirms.com
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About this Book: |
Enhance your personal survival in the years ahead with accurate information concerning world events. Valuable historical background information and analysis of current events makes this publication a valuable tool in preparing to meet the future. Straight-to-the-point facts and easy reading enable the reader to quickly understand both the concepts and the data presented. Refreshingly unpretentious.
About the Author: |
Richard T. Osborne is a person who has researched and studied world events for many years and who has acquired a large personal library from which he gleans the truth and then shares that truth with his fellow readers and searchers of truth.
Book Review: |
Offers a 250 year historical summation of the Zionist conspiracy and their Illuminati. The real story of the last two world wars is presented, especially World War II; Poland attacked Germany first, Churchill attacked Germany first, Germany fought only in self-defense, and Hietler (Hitler) was an inspired benevolent populist. Jewish Zionism is exposed as a conspiracy to dominate the world. Their plans for World War III are revealed as well as the means by which their plans might be thwarted. A conspiracy book like no other. Completely footnoted with extensive bibliography.
Order/Contact Info: |
Cobra Press, P.O. Box 1257, Mauriceville Texas 77626
More info available at http://www.cobrapress.com