Title: The Life and Stories of Richard "Dick" Grater
Author: Richard Grater
Category: Biographies & Memoirs, History, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $0.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 324
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: November 2009
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About this Book: |
The Aircraft Carrier ‘Bunker Hill’ came into our bay and dropped anchor as I was listening to Tokyo Rose, and she made the claim that the Japanese had sunk the “USS Aircraft Carrier BUNKER HILL.” This had to be in error as the Bunker Hill was sitting in port at Espiritu Santo. Had I known that my very good friend George Lorenze from Victor, Colorado, was aboard, I would have been able to go out to see him, as he and I had gone through Boot Camp together. This Carrier was in a major Sea Battle and George was killed in the action on 15 May 1945. The Japanese were so desperate that they went to the Suicide ‘KARMEKAZY’ (small suicide plane) and one managed to get through the barrage of bullets and slam into the Carrier BUNKER HILL, crashing into one of the stations during battle on ships, and it hit the area where George was manning. Although it did not sink, it had major damage and George was killed. The carrier made in back to Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii on its own.
About the Author: |
RICHARD “DICK” GRATER lives at the altitude of 10,000 feet in Victor, Colorado, which is known as the “City of Mines” or the “City of Gold.” Two thousand and one (2001) was the year he started writing a book about his life in Victor. The book was prompted by a woman named Pam Miller who came to Victor in December 2000 looking for information concerning a millionaire living in the mining area. Mr. Grater volunteered to show Pam Miller around the area and then upon her noting his vast knowledge she suggested that he write a book of this famous place of Victor. Mr. Grater can be reached at P.O. Box 461, Victor CO 80860. This is his first book.
Book Review: |
“An exciting journey from early life in Victor, Colorado, to the dutiful shores of the Pacific Islands – this book captures the imagination and makes the heart sing!” -- Pam Pratt, Victor Planning Commission
Mr. Grater’s hope is to lend insight to the future of Victor. Most of the long-time residents of the city have died, taking their interests in the City of Victor, along with the history of the town, with them to their graves. With this book, he hopes to express his concern and interest in the welfare of the City of Victor. Having collaborated with Ken Clark (a historian and a former resident of Victor), he intends to make others aware that the greatest asset that Victor owns is not the Gold it is most famous for, but rather it is its water. Water has always been more valuable than Gold, and that was never more true than it is today.
Order/Contact Info: |
Mr. Richard Grater
P.O. Box 461
Victor, CO 80860
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