Title: "Behind The Veil" Prayer Is The Nation's Cry!
Author: Prophetess Kennethea S. Wright
Category: Religion & Spiritual, History, Education & Language
Price: $14.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 90
ISBN Number: 13:978-0-979791392-0-8
Publication Date: November 2006
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About this Book: |
“Behind The Veil”, is not like any other book you have ever come in contact with before. As this book is read, you are preparing to take a “Journey” onto Holy Ground where the Most High reveals himself and gives a divine mandate to everyone across this great nation, the United States. It was designed with a purpose in mind. With that purpose the praise will come, but before the praise, we must fulfill the divine mandate of PRAY!
About the Author: |
The Author is a Native of Jacksonville, Florida. She's a loving and devoted mother of three, and the grandmother of four. She accepted her call into the Gospel Ministry in 1983, and presently serves as Pastor. Through the ministry she has touched the hearts of countless believers’, and has turned the hearts of many too Salvation. Prophetess Wright carries a burning message within. It is her petition to God that EVERYONE might be saved! She is an "AAA" Plus woman of God, Anointed, Appointed, and Assured Plus the Prophetic Mandate. In her tireless and devoted mission, she leaves No Stone Unturned to Accomplish God's Work!
Book Review: |
This book reaches out to EVERYONE, with a special focus to all Pastors, Ministers, Teachers, Government, State and City Officials, even the President of the United States and anyone in direct Leadership or Authority. It encourages them to come together as partners and “Let’s go…” “Behind The Veil” and learn how seek God TOGETHER like never before. Through the past years crises we reach out to encourage, console, and bring comfort to all of those that were affected by 9/11, Tsunami, Katrina, London, and others with a Special tribute to Our American Soldiers in war. America is exposed! Exposed to... depression… countless deaths, school invasions and killings... natural disasters….and most of all the wicked devices of the enemy.
We are in a desperate state. Sound the alarm, “Blow the Trumpet” across America! It’s time to come back to prayer! Have we forgotten the power that prayer has? Its time to go back to the basics and start all over again “If my people who are called by my name will respond with “Our Father.” Surely our nation will know that “Prayer Is The Nation’s Cry!”
National Day of Prayer in Washington D.C, at Upper Senate Park @ 7: am on July 7, 2007
Order/Contact Info: |
Rose Of Sharon Ministries, Inc.
Attention: Jennitra Waters
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Savannah, GA. 31402
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