Title: Discovering the Goodness of God
Author: Pauline J. Neck
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Nonfiction, Poetry
Price: $12.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 162
ISBN Number: 0-9738908-0-0
Publication Date: Nov, 2005
Email: paulineskysong@aebc.com |
About this Book: |
You're invited to join us on a quest to discover the goodness of God. Your guides for this journey are members of The Women of e-fellowship. In sharing our own experiences of God's goodness, we hope to bring inspiration and encouragement to others. We believe our stories will pluck your heartstrings and tickle your funny bone all at the same time. We promise you will not want to put this book down until you have read every single story in it.
About the Author: |
A native Briton, Pauline Neck emigrated to Canada in 1966 and has lived and worked in British Columbia since 1977. Writing became an important part of her life in the summer of 1998, when she retired from full-time employment at a local bank. On the advice of a friend, she joined a writer's support group. This involvement with other writers helped her prepare the manuscript for her autobiography, "Removing the Sting." Pauline's short stories and articles have appeared in various magazines and newsletters in Canada and the U.S. Her poem "All Our Days Belong to the Lord" has been published in magazines, newsletters and church bulletins worldwide.
Book Review: |
When a few women met for Bible study in September, 2004, they had no idea they would soon be putting together stories for a book. But as the weeks passed and the women began to share their experiences of God's goodness, the desire to create a permanent record of their stories was born. From a simple desire to be used by God, the women of e-fellowship continued on their journey to know God better. "Discovering the Goodness of God" is the result of the sincere and enthusiastic desire of twelve women to bring inspiration and encouragement to others through the wonder of storytelling.
Order/Contact Info: |
Pauline J. Neck
19475 - 118B Avenue,
Pitt Meadows, B.C. V3Y 1K2
E-mail: paulineskysong@aebc.com