Title: A Mighty Duel
Author: Paul O. Snawder
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Reference, Education & Language
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 140
ISBN Number: 978-1-60458-179-9
Publication Date: Dec.2007
Email: psnawder@usa.com |
About this Book: |
Concerning salvation, some say...
"Once Saved, Always Saved."
While others proclaim...
"You Can Lose Your Salvation."
A third group concedes...
"I Just Don't Know Which Is Right"
What if I told you there are five positions a person could take regarding this vital issue?
I've named three already. To see what remains and ultimately what position I believe the Bible supports, read A Mighty Duel.
This book will change the way you see your Eternity.
I don't want to pick the winning side, I just want to close the divide.
About the Author: |
Paul O. Snawder was formerly one of the chief sons of the lord of darkness. Mastering in the Arts of deception and idolatry as well as every other conceivable form of sin and wickedness known to man, and guilty of a few that caught the devil by surprise and even made him blush.
But then Christ came along and messed all that up, for which I literally will be thankful, for all Eternity.
Received a B.A. from Grace University in 1968 through a fully paid admission on their exclusive John 3:16 program. (Radical even for the 60's)
Now resides in beautiful historic Jeffersonville Indiana.
A proud father of three wonderful daughters Jennifer Rose, Kathe Lea, and Jamie Lynne.
Book Review: |
A Mighty Duel takes a unique and unusual look at the subject of salvation examining the differences of the two major viewpoints and explores three other positions a person could take regarding the Eternal security of a believer in Jesus Christ.
You will be surprised, comforted and even relieved to learn that whatever you currently believe about salvation might just be contrary to what God has said about your future.
Order/Contact Info: |
Please feel free to contact Paul O. Snawder by email at
psnawder@usa.com or check the instantpublisher.com for ordering details.