Title: Leave a Mark, Not a Stain! What every manager needs to know about humor in the workplace
Author: Patt Schwab, Ph.D.
Category: Business & Economics, Entertainment, Professional & Technical
Price: $14.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 90
ISBN Number: ISBN 1-59872-138-0
Publication Date: September, 2005
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About this Book: |
Find out the humor secrets smart managers know!
AND, in the bargain, enhance your: Income, Appearance, Management skills, Mental well-being, Creativity, Promotional opportunities, Popularity, Effectiveness, Persuasiveness, Access to useful feedback, Teaching skills, Success and Immunity to disease!
Yep, it’s true. You really can do all the above by becoming adept at a simple, inexpensive, and neglected managerial skill: Connective Humor!
This book is filled with real life examples of how both formal and informal leaders have brought connective humor to their workplaces and laughed their way to the top! You’ll find:
10 humor secrets strictly for managers.
30 hints to bring more humor to everyday worklife
19 ways to help a staff handle stress
16 ways to enhance your meetings with humor
For a few paltry bucks you can buy this book and start becoming adept at Connective Humor today!
Or . . . you can leave a Stain!
About the Author: |
Dr. Patt Schwab brings 20 years of hands-on management, teaching and training to this book. She has supervised staffs as large as 150 and spoken to management groups in Canada, Europe and throughout the USA.
Patt’s observed that in coping with workplace issues, humor helps provide perspective and promotes loyality, objectivity and creative problem solving.
Dr. Schwab is president of FUNdamentally Speaking, an international speaking and consulting firm that believes in putting the "FUN" before "da mental!"Her programs focus on managing organizational and individual change, coping with the artificial urgency of today's life, and the use of humor as a management skill. She encourages readers to use humor to look behind the static of every day life and find the harmony that connects us all.
Book Review: |
“The book's thesis is uncomplicated and logical: humour can be constructive or destructive. When used in a soul-destroying sarcastic fashion, it can wreck morale.
When used to help people vent, and shed the tension of a busy workplace, it can give everyone a lift. This established, the rest of the book is ideas and examples of the positive side of workplace humour.
. . . I do not think any reader can get through this book without seeing a dozen great ways to fill his or her workplace with the sort of levity that keeps people loose, inoculates them against infighting and makes them want to stay.” J.K. Kelley
Order/Contact Info: |
Dr. Patt Schwab
FUNdamentally Speaking
9401 45th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98115
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