Title: Landscapes: A Journal for the Spiritual Traveler
Author: Patricia Mohney
Category: Travel, Religion & Spiritual, Nonfiction
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 100
ISBN Number: 13978-1-4243-1500-0
Publication Date: Sept, 2006
Website: www.yourmission.us
Email: arttrav@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
What better way to capture travel’s lavish brush strokes than to keep a journal! Just as an artist carefully chooses a multiplicity of patterns and shapes to create a collage, Landscapes: A Journal for the Spiritual Traveler offers a safe place to record the multifaceted experience of your outer journey. At the same time, Landscapes: A Journal for the Spiritual Traveler is designed with probing questions to mirror the colorful landscape of your interior life.
About the Author: |
Patricia Mohney relishes the adventures of researching destinations unknown to her and sharing her findings with like-minded travelers. “Landscapes: A Journal for the Spiritual Traveler” was born out her natural curiosity, love of the arts, a high regard for the role of education in one's social and spiritual development, and an understanding that all of these elements combined with travel have the potential to provide unforgettable life experiences. Owner of YourMission, Patricia assists people in their life journeys through coaching.
Book Review: |
In this day and age of catastrophic world events, a journal is an invaluable vehicle to make sense of one’s experiences. It is doubtful that Americans in particular will cease their travels despite precarious conditions and the rise in gasoline prices.
Inviting the traveler to an inner journey of faith as well as an outer journey, “Landscapes” will appeal to travelers from all walks of life who want a rich travel experience, especially the spiritually curious traveler and those who are searching for meaning in our changing world.
Order/Contact Info: |
Emai arttrav@yahoo.com or visit www.yourmission.us