Title: Potpourri in the Wind - Nursery Rhymes from One Kid to Another
Author: Nicole Marie Daniels
Category: Children, Poetry, Education & Language
Price: $9.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 35
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: Aug, 2004
Website: www.twinkletwinklelittlebooks.com
Email: nicole@twinkletwinklelittlebooks.com |
About this Book: |
Children will truly appreciate these nursery ryhymes, written and illustrated by 11 year old Nicole Marie Daniels. From one kid to another, Potpourri in the Wind is easy and fun reading for infants to young kids alike, for bedtime or anytime!
About the Author: |
Nicole Marie Daniels, wrote these nursery rhymes for other kids to read, starting from the age of 8 to 11 and is now a published writer.
Book Review: |
Potpourri in the Wind is a wonderful collection of simple and fun nursery rhymes, straight from the mind of child. These poems are beautifully illustrated by the author creating a magical compilation for children to relate to and enjoy!
Order/Contact Info: |
Twinkle Twinkle Little Bookstore
131 Wilson Street Centre Hall, PA 16828