Title: My Journey From 11-11-11, A Memoir
Author: Myrna Sommerfield Timreck
Category: Biographies & Memoirs, Religion & Spiritual, Travel
Price: $25.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 582
ISBN Number: 1-59196-261-1
Publication Date: Dec 2005
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About this Book: |
Memoirs are a wonderful way to visit other times & different places through someone else’s eyes. One sees how the world touched that person—and how that person touched the world.
At 90 years of age, Myrna Sommerfield Timreck took a pen and legal pad and put her life into words. This was a new adventure and when she began her writing journey the words flowed freely. She is blessed with a fantastic memory & a great love of all God’s world.
My Journey From 11-11-11~A Memoir travels through her youth in Tawas, MI., many places during WWII and finally settling in Gladwin, MI., while summering in Harbor Springs, MI. & cruising the Great Lakes. From Gladwin, she and her husband Dr. H. A. Timreck explored many far away places.
Myrna’s book is not only filled with interesting, descriptive writing, but with wonderful pictures that share with her readers the wonders and beauty she has experienced.
On your walk through life, spend a little time in Myrna’s world—let her journey be part of yours.
About the Author: |
Myrna Sommerfield Timreck was born Nov 11, 1911 (hence the title My Journey From 11-11-11~A Memoir) to Rev. & Mrs. Michael Sommerfield in Tawas, Michigan. In 1932, on her first date to Harold Timreck, she agreed to wait 5 yrs until he finished medical school and marry him. Her ‘yes’ opened a world of love, travel and adventure to her. They lived various places during WWII, finally settling in Gladwin, Michigan, where they raised their family. Her life has been filled with not only family, but with extensive travel. Harold died the day after her 90th birthday, after which she decided to sit down with pen and paper and put her life into words—her first attempt at writing. She is blessed with a fantastic memory and a gift for painting pictures with words. She still lives in Gladwin.
Book Review: |
First time author, Myrna Sommerfield Timreck, has nailed the genre of memoir with her My Journey From 11-11-11 ~ A Memoir. Memoirs give us added insight, and this book certainly does. And ‘90-something’ Myrna definitely takes you on a journey, using words to paint the scenery. Whether you are coming into port in Harbor Springs, Michigan on their yacht, holding a joey in Australia or on safari in Africa, it’s as if you are standing at her side. As you read, you are constantly aware of her love of life and all that it entails. Through her eyes and pen, you see the wonders of our world. Her love and understanding of the Lord helps her through hard times and opens her heart to many wonders. After finishing this book, I may never look at the world or my life the same. Thank you, Myrna.
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