Title: A Songbird Saw...11
Author: MsEdna Rice
Category: Biographies & Memoirs, Religion & Spiritual, History
Price: $40.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 220
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: Jul, 2006
Email: msednacreations@hotmail.com |
About this Book: |
It's a true story about family-living on a farm in the rural area of Mississippi;
to enlighten or inspire others the way...I justify life born with visions-signs
of things to come...and later captured by voices of darkness.
About the Author: |
In 1996, I began freelance writing-and Artwork-creations for observant of people opinion. For years living-life as a Christian; wife and mother with career in professional modeling to banking and later real estate. I began experiencing voices and ways unknown to escape? I was captured by foes of darkness leading me outcast into fear of depression and from the love of family and friends. I became jobless and living shelter; to realize it was God using me so...to write this book.
Book Review: |
This book is the purpose of God call to hopeless lives; searching for better ways of living. As it relates to love...identity and belief is just alike-with personal observation, awareness or interest based on a vision of certain events; taking into consideration one may face in modern society. Finding...each day is hope that God sacred His promise. I read one to discover a life-lived young then, later relived...while trying to endure that which goes wrong...in the grace of living. And that's rightful freedom all love to endure or away to overcome...
Order/Contact Info: |
MsEdna Rice
P. O. Box 3248
Memphis, TN 38173.
E-mail address: msednacreations @hotmail.com,
Cell #901/406-3967.