Title: Pornography Is Not An Addiction
Author: Michael M. McCutcheon
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Self-Improvement
Price: $20.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 88
ISBN Number: 1-59872-586-6
Publication Date: October 2006
Email: Mike_McCutcheon@comcast.net |
About this Book: |
PINAA presents a biblical understanding of pornography and the process through which it is able to become so strong in a person's life that they cannot seem to break free from it. It offers hope to those who struggle to break free and has already been used to release men from their bondage and allow them to rebuild their marriage relationship.
About the Author: |
Mike has been a church planter, a pastor, an author, and an international ministry worker for over 30 years. He is able to speak from a broad base of personal experiences in a non-judgmental and helpful perspective. He brings hope for all who read/hear what he has to offer.
Book Review: |
Pornography Is Not An Addiction has helped me in that I was bound in this sin daily for over 22 years. Now in my Christian life I am walking in moral purity the majority of the time and no longer bound in pornography. (John)
Mike’s book on overcoming pornography is a must read for everyone. It gave me insight as to how to attack that sin, and any sin for that matter, from a Biblical perspective. His views on God’s determination of who is counselor was very enlightening; it showed us that relying on God’s people for counseling will not only save us money, but give us the proper solutions for our problems. Finally, his ideas on memorizing Scripture for offensive and defensive purposes have really made a big difference in my life. Never has the Word of God been so powerful to me. (Hugh)
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