Title: What About Me? The forgotten work and ministry of the Holy Ghost
Author: Michael D. McClary Th.D.
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Education & Language, Reference
Price: $9.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 143
ISBN Number: 1-59196-788-0
Publication Date: Oct, 2004
Website: www.goodsamaritanministry.com
Email: mdmcclary@cs.com |
About this Book: |
Pastor Mike McClary’s unique, no-nonsense approach is perfect for everyone. From Bible Scholars and Pastors, to Laymen and new Christians, this book will speak to your heart and open your eyes to the truths revealed through the Bible to every believer. In today’s society it is imperative that we know what we believe and why so we can stand firm in our daily battle for the cause of Christ.
In Pastor Mike McClary’s newest book, he confronts modern man’s common misunderstanding of the Christian’s relationship with the Holy Ghost.
About the Author: |
Michael McClary ran away from home at the age of fourteen. He spent the next twenty years addicted to drugs and alcohol, drifting through an endless series of menial jobs. In 1982 he checked into a homeless shelter where he heard the gospel message, accepted Jesus as his Savior, and never used drugs or alcohol again. He went on to earn his Doctorate of Theology and was also honored with a Doctorate of Evangelism in 1995.
Dr. McClary was ordained in 1985. That same year he married Jan. Together they started Good Samaritan Ministries in 1987 to provide long-term residential rehabilitation. In 1991 Dr. McClary started Community Baptist Church,
an inner-city, inter-racial church with members from many diverse backgrounds. He now pastors Rural Point Baptist Church and serves full time as Director of Good Samaritan Ministries.
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