Title: PRIMO'S (Numbah 2) Is 'Chicken Skin' a Local Delicacy?
Author: Michael A. Herr
Category: Literature & Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Price: $12.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 173
ISBN Number: 1-4116-5748-9
Publication Date: November, 2005
Website: michaelherr.com
Email: m.herr@sbcglobal.net |
About this Book: |
'Chicken Skin' -- Hawaiian for goose bumps. Some chicken skin in this book but also loads of laughs. Set in a bar on the island of Kaua'i in the early 70's this series of humorous stories will give you a feel for Hawaiian culture as well as for Hawaiian legends. Come on in to Primo's Bar, pull up a stool. Meet the regulars there and the irregulars (such a Madame Pele and the local Night Marchers). Order a beer, have some pupus and enjoy. The first book in this series "The Kaua'i Obake Bar is available through www.michaelherr.com.
About the Author: |
With relatives on nearly every island and over 40 years of travel to the islands Michael Herr has seen and heard many stories over the years. Now he is finally able to share them with his readers. Come enjoy.
Book Review: |
"Mike Herr buy me drink for say dis book good. 'Book Good!' Okay Mike, where my drink?" One-Cup Charlie, regular patron of Primo's Bar.
Order/Contact Info: |
Order direct from the author for a signed copy: website www.michaelherr.com or from Michael Herr, 1817 Skycrest Drive, #2, Walnut Creek, CA 94959 (shipping included)