Title: Living by Faith, the Move to Middlefork
Author: Mary Ellen Goble Preece
Category: Biographies & Memoirs, Nonfiction, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 84
ISBN Number: 1598726412
Publication Date:
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/megpreece
Email: akpreece@hotmail.com |
About this Book: |
A memoir that continued from her first book titled In This Valley I grew, Life on Blacklog and Happy Hollow. It takes the reader into a second phase of this author's life. A simple move only a few miles away in the Eastern Kentucky hills of Martin County.A move filled with much heartache in the loss of loved ones, husband's mining accident, heart attacks and filled with the love of little children and teenagers coming of age. It describes the life and times of the Preece family chronologically abck to the great grandparents.
About the Author: |
Eastern Ky. resident for all of her 56 years. Wife, mother and grandmother, who had aspirations of higher learning that did not come to fruition, but did not lose hope of learning through lifes lessons and God's Grace in her life.
Book Review: |
Growing up, my mom has always told me stories about family and how things used to be. She writes from the heart, often very up close and personal as if she is saying these things to her closest friend. She does this out of love and for the sake of her heritage, the area, and the people that have been in her life.--Kelli Preece Hager-Fourth Grade Teacher Eden Elementary, Inez, Kentucky
Order/Contact Info: |
For ordering Contact
Mary E. Preece by emailing akpreece@hotmail.com