Title: Journey to Serendip: Accidental Adventures of a Naval Operations Analyst
Author: Marvin Pokrant
Category: Biographies & Memoirs, Science, Nonfiction
Price: $15.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 288
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: Feb. 2005
Email: Spirit_of_OEG@cox.net |
About this Book: |
Journey to Serendip: Accidental Adventures of a Naval Operations Analyst conveys some of the serendipitous adventures--both professional and personal--that Marvin Pokrant encountered as a naval operations analyst working in the fleet.
In this book Marvin Pokrant explains--without mathematics--what he did for the Navy, the type of problems he worked on, and what it was like to be a civilian living on a Navy ship. He describes the analyses he did when he served in the Persian Gulf with the commander of all the naval forces in the Middle East throughout Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He also recalls his personal experiences living in Japan and visiting exotic locales from Bali to Bahrain, from Tasmania to Hokkaido, and even the fabled land of Serendip. He recounts conversations with fascinating people as diverse as Colin Powell, a desert Bedouin, a Hawaiian pig-hunter and the Emperor of Japan.
About the Author: |
Marvin Pokrant earned a Ph.D. in physics, then applied his skills in the field of military operations research--a discipline that utilizes the objective methods of physical science to improve military operations. Though a civilian, he spent five years on sea duty. He served as chief analyst for several significant naval exercises and contributed to numerous important analyses. He once briefed 26 admirals and generals at one time. He has written two books published by Greenwood Press: "Desert Shield at Sea: What the Navy Really Did" and "Desert Storm at Sea: What the Navy Really Did." He also edited "The Spirit of OEG: Naval Operations Analysts Reminisce."
Book Review: |
Dr. Marvin Pokrant is a physicist who went to sea as a naval operations analyst. He didn't say "I'm from Washington and I'm here to tell you how to solve all your problems." Instead he worked with the operational Navy to understand their problems. He didn't make decisions, but gave naval officers information based on objective analyses to help them make better decisions. In this book, he describes (without the math) the analyses he did for the Navy. He also relates his personal adventures and meetings with fascinating people, including even an informal meeting with the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
For Marvin Pokrant, it was truly "Not just a job, but an adventure."
Order/Contact Info: |
Marvin Pokrant
30776 Belle Maison
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677