Title: Confronting & Conquering Your Life-Paralyzing Fears
Author: Maria D. Mullen
Category: Self-Improvement
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 39
ISBN Number: 978-1-60458-368-7
Publication Date: October, 2008
Website: www.SpeakMaria.com
Email: Maria@SpeakMaria.com |
About this Book: |
Life-paralyzing fears are the fears that block the forward progress in your life. It leaves you trapped in the images it creates for you. By confronting these fears and systematically conquering them, you can discover a world of possibilities you never knew existed. Through the exercises in this mini-booklet, the author takes you on an amazing journey of self-discovery. Life-paralyzing fears will never be a hinderance in your life once you realize the tools to quinch its power.
About the Author: |
Maria D. Mullen is an expert when it comes to empowering people to look past their obstacles and transition successfully through change. She's spent over a decade as a corporate trainer equipping people in their professional goals. As a professional speaker she has developed personal development programs to inspire and motivate people personally. She's dedicated many years of research, along with her own life's lessons to produce powerful resource materials, seminars and conferences that focus on specific obstacles that hinder people from moving forward and growing. She's a passionate author and coach and mother of two beautiful daughters.
Book Review: |
"Awesome, just awesome! I continue to use the steps you gave me in this book to overcome my fears on a daily basis. Thank you for putting this information into a book." Mary Ann Lushea
"Funny how something so simple can have such a great impact." Daniel Warsaw
Order/Contact Info: |
Clear Steps Group, Inc.
1415 Hwy. 85, Suite 310-103
Fayetteville, GA 30214