Title: Tails of Windswept Farm
Author: Margot Justice
Category: Children, Literature & Fiction, Nature
Price: $14.50
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 74
ISBN Number: 1-59872-705-2
Publication Date: Jan,2007
Website: alpacanation.com/windswept.asp
Email: windsweptfarmalpacas@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
Six delightful short stories about small farm life as seen through the eyes of "Alphie" a young, black alpaca. Thirty eight, full color, cartoon illustrations by J D Williamson make each turn of the page fascinating. Mrs J has her hands full with rabbits, chickens, llamas and alpacas that reside at Windswept Farm. These stories sound wonderful when read aloud and will appeal from third graders to adults.
About the Author: |
Margot Justice is a retired RN, that found herself, with her husband, on an old farm after highway construction took their home. Within a year she had surrounded them with an assortment of animals and turned the old farmhouse into a Bed and Breakfast. Theses storied are some of the adventures that have taken place on Windswept Farm.
Book Review: |
Connie Frazier teacher at WVUP states "The children enjoyed the stories. It was interesting learning about alpacas and the little ones loved the illustrations."
Order/Contact Info: |
Margot Justice
Windswept Farm
4895 State Route
Little Hocking, Ohio 45742
Price includes shipping