Title: The Definition Of A Man
Author: Marcel Byes
Category: Self-Improvement, Self-Improvement, Self-Improvement
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 50
ISBN Number: 1-59872-709-5
Publication Date: Dec, 2006
Website: thedefinitionofaman.com
Email: marcelbyes@hotmail.com |
About this Book: |
"The Definition Of A Man"...One Man's belief on what real Manhood is. A number one best seller for sure. Written by Marcel Byes.
In this book I share my high's and low's,in my attempt at becoming "The Man" but thank God I finally discovered what real Manhood is! Now I can share it with the world.
About the Author: |
Born and raised in Erie Pennsylvania, Marcel Byes (a Machinist by trade) realized his purpose in life is to Mentor young Men. He has traveled coast to coast speaking to young Men about living positive lifestyles, and he has a relentless spirit that seems to reach Men both young and old giving them hope when all seems lost! Marcel resides in Los Angeles California and has one son and two daughters.
Book Review: |
A guaranteed #1 best seller. This book goes beyond the dictionary's definition of a Man which is, "an adult male". It challenges Men to go to the next level and examine themselves to bring out real Manhood!
Order/Contact Info: |
online ordering : Visit www.thedefinitionofaman.com or
order by mail: Send money order or cashier's check (no personal checks please), in the amount of $10 plus $3 shipping /book to:
Marcel Byes
812 West 110th St
Los Angeles, CA 90044
Order will be shipped same day payment is recieved.