Title: RUBAI'YAT OF JOSH MALIHABADI -A Drop and the Ocean
Category: Poetry, Poetry, Poetry
Price: $8.50
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 87
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: July 2009
Website: www.mohammadyaminiraqi.wordpress.com
Email: yamin19382000@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
Mohammad Yamin has profoundly captured the soul of the writings of Josh Malihabadi and presents in this book his work contained in a small out of print booklet called Qatra-o-Q ulzum ( A Drop and the Ocean). In Qatra-o-Qulzum Josh has skillfully created turbulent seas out of the still and tiny lakes of Rubai’yat. Josh in his spirited and artistic expression, fearlessness, vision, natural romanticism, poetic expertise and sarcasm is nearest to Omar Khyyam. He is eyes and vision of skies, which transcend into freedom of thoughts from the triviality of antiquated superstition.
About the Author: |
Mohammad Yamin is the former Managing Director and Chief Excutive of a Bank, now a poet and Author. He has authored a number of books of prose and poetry in English and Urdu languages.
Book Review: |
“Mohammad Yamin’s book is a tribute to Josh Malihabadi and an invaluable contribution to both Urdu and English literatures” –Agha Noor Mohammad Pathan, Deputy Director, Pakistan Academy of Letters.
“The rhyming arrangement in the translation of Mohammad Yamin is a difficult feat to perform. A profound translation becomes original creation. This is where the success of the Author lies who has preserved the qualities, spirit and expression of Josh”–Dr. Mohammad Ali Siddiqui
“Mohammad Yamin’s translation of Josh is in letter and spirit. Its beauty of expression makes it difficult to accept it as translation. It seems original” –Dr. Moin Quraishi
Order/Contact Info: |
Mohammad Yamin
Email: yamin19382000@yahoo.com