Title: Insights from an out-of-sight guy
Author: Larry C. Colbert
Category: Nonfiction, Self-Improvement, Diet & Health
Price: $20.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 111
ISBN Number: 0-9766320-0-X
Publication Date: Feb, 2005
Website: http://drivingvision.com
Email: sales@drivingvision.com |
About this Book: |
Practical and meaningful help for coping with change and managing the ideas, emotions, and attitudes that affect us all. The poignant story of one man's deep personal struggle with blindness, and the fear that keep him from embracing change. With remarkably frank dialog and humorous examples from the best of his keynote speeches, Colbert reveals his process for coming to "see" self. This book is suitable for all ages.
About the Author: |
In 1972, Larry C. Colbert's life suddenly and dramatically changed. He was diagnosed with retinitus pigmentosa, a degenerative eye disease, and learned he would soon be blind. As Larry's eyesight gradually faded, his insight deepened. Now he's a motivational speaker who travels the world sharing humorous stories about coping with change, and managing the ideas, emotions, and attitudes that affect us all.
Book Review: |
"Larry may have challenges with eyesight, but it's clear that his "vision" is most assuredly on target. You will laugh and learn at Larry Colbert's sometimes "outa sight" antics as he shares these lessons in life. So come along for a "wild ride" with a man who really knows hot to put you back in the "driver's seat."
--Edward E. Scannell, CMP, CSP, Past National President, ASTD, NSA.
Order/Contact Info: |
email: sales@drivingvision.com
phone: (480) 894-2639