Title: Take Good Care of Yourself! Simple Things You Can Do Right Now!
Author: Karen L. Rose
Category: Diet & Health, Education & Language, Nonfiction
Price: $14.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 115
ISBN Number: 0-9748181-0-0
Publication Date: Jan, 2004
Website: KarenLRose.com
Email: blossomingrose1112@hotmail.com |
About this Book: |
Self Care has become very popular for good reason. As our lives continue to get more hectic, we often forget to put ourselves on our priority list. Many people are learning that if they don't take good care of themselves first, they don't have anything left to give to anyone else.
This book is a combination of simple things that will help you take good care of your precious self right now. This book will help you remember to treat yourself like you are your own best friend.
About the Author: |
Karen L. Rose is professional speaker and member of the National Speaker's Association. Karen's areas of expertise include embracing challenging times/change, overcoming health challenges/wellness, life skills and self esteem. Karen's company, Blossoming Rose Communications helps people tap into their own magnificence and true potential.
Book Review: |
"Good solid advice (written ) in a reader friendly way." " Clear and do-able strategies to pamper and nurture yourself." "Enjoyable, easy to read book with fun ways to take care of yourself."
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