Title: when the SHEPHERD of the sheep IS the wolf!!!
Author: Julia Hampton
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Entertainment, Nonfiction
Price: $12.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 100
ISBN Number: 0-9758609-0-9
Publication Date: June,2004
Website: www.reachingtheremnant.com
Email: julialhampton@bellsouth.net |
About this Book: |
Infinite counts of people have, is now, or will encounter a "wolf shepherd" and in this book, the Father is clearly revealing the "wolf shepherds." He wants us to know that we do not have to be subject or submissive to the devil, which is operating thru some of the church pastors, prophets, teachers, bishops, etc. Read this book to find out who the "wolf shepherds" are; maybe your leader is one!
About the Author: |
A servant of the Most High God!
Book Review: |
We must remember that Jesus Christ has opened the door for all mankind to be reconciled back to God, the creator of all, and we no longer need the priest/ preacher to go to the Father on our behalf. We not only can, but we MUST go to Him for ourselves, thus forming that personal and intimate relationship with Him, verses building a relationship with Him thru man--which I might add, is idolatry!
As you read this book, please have an open heart and an open mind, perhaps the Father wants to enlighten you on some things.
Peace be with you
Order/Contact Info: |
Reaching The Remnant Inc.
P.O.Box 11585/ Memphis, Tn. 38111-0585
(901) 324-7527/ 1-800-297-6122