Title: Bargainomics: Money Management by the Book
Author: Judy Woodward Bates
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Business & Economics, Home & Garden
Price: $12.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 255
ISBN Number: 9780976616610
Publication Date: Sept, 2009
Website: www.bargainomics.com
Email: judywbates@bargainomics.com |
About this Book: |
Bargainomics is all about time and money management. If you could use some simple practical advice to help you cut your everyday expenses; plan that next vacation; find a car or even a home, this book's for you!
About the Author: |
Judy Woodward Bates, The Bargainomics Lady, is an author, speaker and TV personality. She appears on Fox-6 TV in Birmingham, AL and has authored three books, the latest of which is BARGAINOMICS: MONEY MANAGEMENT BY THE BOOK. She's a graduate of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary's Women's Ministry Certificate Program and she and her husband Larry live near Birmingham, AL.
Book Review: |
"My daughter seems to have had an epiphany since reading Judy's book. Every time I talk to her, she's filling me in on 'what Judy said.' She says now she realizes how the area of her finances hadn't been turned over to God. I believe the Lord led her to Judy." Beverly B., Middlesburg, FL
Order/Contact Info: |
Order multiple copies to receive a discount on the price - the more copies you order, the greater the discount.
Order single copies from www.Bargainomics.com. Contact Judy at judywbates@bargainomics.com for pricing on multiple copies.