Title: An Affirmation Prayer of Healing and Blessing
Author: Judy D. Cobb
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Diet & Health, Self-Improvement
Price: $7.00
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 39
ISBN Number: 9781598728467
Publication Date: July, 2007
Email: jacyev11@bellsouth.net |
About this Book: |
Do you really understand the power of your words to bring healing, blessing, power and wellness to you? You are created in the image and likeness of God to be able to create by what you speak. The words that you speak are life and health or whatever you speak and therefore you are more powerful if your words align to your true desires. Individual power comes from what one thinks, speaks and does. Thoughts, words and actions align to bring into existence that which one creates.
By speaking the affirmations and praying the scriptures, the reader/prayer is aligned to create healing and blessing for the individual and others. It is this power that we often acknowledge without giving full focus to the inherent potential to create wholeness, blessing and healing for oneself and others.
As you practice creating through words, you will recognize the strength of all thoughts and words. The words that you speak become your life and health.
About the Author: |
Judy D. Cobb is a gifted writer and minister. She puts into words the ideas individuals think, but do not know or have the courage to express. This third book by this writer uses scripture, experience and heart compassion to express the desire for healing that often times one desires but does not express.
Judy believes that one should speak only what one truly wants to experience and believes that affirmations are a means of strengthening one's power. Judy is married to William Cobb, her prayer partner, and resides in Miami, Florida.
Book Review: |
Have you been looking for a pocket or purse-sized book that you can carry with you to keep you speaking good things in and over your life? Do you believe that your words have power? An Affirmation Prayer of Healing and Blessing is just what you have been awaiting. This writer believes that the need for healing is created in our thought processes and by refocusing our thoughts and words, one can create a life of healing and blessing.
What should you pray when your loved one must go to the doctor or to the hospital? An Affirmation Prayer of Healing and Blessing can guide you in praying for all the good to come to the fore.
Order/Contact Info: |
Jacob's Letter Ministries, Inc.
Judy D. Cobb
10653 Southwest 142 Lane
Miami, Florida 33176