Title: Heaven Invading Hollywood
Author: Joshua Mills
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Entertainment, Travel
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 53
ISBN Number: 0-9780055-1-1
Publication Date: June, 2006
Website: www.NewWineRevival.org
Email: office@newwinerevival.org |
About this Book: |
Excerpt from book: "...Immediately I was in the Spirit and I went to heaven. While I was there I was given a map of California. Before my eyes I could see clusters of tiny stars forming all over the Hollywood area. These stars appeared to be portals of glory opening over Hollywood studios, executives, producers, directors, actors and acctresses. I saw a shifting or changing of business as usual - it was heaven invading Hollywood." In this book you will discover God's plan for Hollywood, how Hollywood impacts you today and how you can impact Hollywood with heaven!
About the Author: |
An anointed minister of the gospel, recording artist, conference speaker and author, Joshua Mills worships and preaches by standing under the cloud and ministering directly from the glory unto the people. He has written over 600 songs and is known for his ability to lead people into spontaneous worship. Traveling all over North America and around the world, he has been creating a realm of glory wherever he goes with a message that “praise changes the atmosphere.”
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New Wine International Ministries
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