About this Book: |
Some organizations and people encourage greatness in others—some squelch it.
“Pyramids are where great people are buried,” says Joel Orr. “Hierarchical pyramids deny the humanity of everyone in their sphere of influence. GREAT organizations are shaped differently—more like dandelions—and founded on a profound respect for the natural and unalienable rights of all people. They burst out with the fertility of the ‘family plan.’”
If you understand the Dandelion Paradox, you can make it part of your own and your organization’s strategic plan
About the Author: |
Dr. Joel Orr, an internationally respected consultant in engineering automation, is a frequent speaker on organizational structure, technology, and the human side of organizational development. He lives in Chesapeake, Virginia, with his wife, N’omi, near 13 of their 20 grandchildren.