Title: Mother Wit For Parenthood Practical Insight For Life's Most Challenging Job
Author: Jo Carolyn Dent-Clark
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Nonfiction, Self-Improvement
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 79
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: Sept, 2004
Website: www.motherwitparenthood.com
Email: motherwitministries@comcast.net |
About this Book: |
If babies came with an instruction manual, this would be it! In the tradition of "sharing the knowledge," the author provides pearls of divine wisdom for life's most challenging job, parenthood. Written in plain and easy to understand language, Mother Wit answers some important questions that need to be addressed by all: What are the requirements for the job? Is it as serious and challenging as everyone says? How does faith and reliance on God help us? This little book is a must read for anyone, who is even remotely considering bearing a child. It's a life changing read for all parents of all ages. It's the best gift for expectant parents everywhere.
About the Author: |
Jo Carolyn Dent-Clark is the mother of 4 and grandmother of six, she has "adopted" children all over the country. She is a former urban school board member, serving three terms as president. She is also a former director of Christian Education, Sunday School teacher and Vacation Bible School Coordinator. Her insights on parenting are shared because of her passion and love for young people. Her first internet screen name was "MommyDent" a nickname given to her by friends of her children who made the Dent home their home away from home.
Book Review: |
What readers are saying about MOTHER WIT:
“Easy reading, inspiring, I’m changing my strategy with my son.”
“I wish I could put this book in the hands of each of my pre-school parents.”
“A must read, this is the best book I have ever read.”
“This will be my gift for every expectant mother & father I know"
Order/Contact Info: |
To order visit website at www.motherwitparenthood.com or send email to motherwitministries@comcast.net