Title: Black Mountain Lady
Author: Jay Dyck
Category: Literature & Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Price: $17.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 510
ISBN Number: 1-59196-215-3
Publication Date: March 2003
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About this Book: |
Vikor. Pronounce it "Vy-kore. " Vikor imagined that he had been a mountain lion in an earlier life. It explained the cat-like way in which he stalked his victims.
His prey.
Vikor had a high regard for the word prey. It related so strongly to predator, and he had such a low regard for journalism that misused that word.
"A predator is one who kills his victim," he would say to Chela.
"And one who doesn't?" she once asked.
"A parasite. "
But even a cat plays with its victims. Vikor did not. Sometimes he saw himself as little more than a dog, in this life, but he was wrong, for he was more of a wolf. A lone wolf, to be sure, a wolf without a pack, but a wolf. Dogs bite. Wolves kill, and they eat.
Being a dog had had little to do with being a cat in a different life time.
Being a wolf had everything to do with it.
Different from dogs, cats still kill. It's still a part of their definition. Dogs who kill are defective. Dogs who bite are defective. A casual acquaintance once told Vikor that he said, "Oh, yeah?" to anyone who said that his dog didn't bite. "How does he eat?"
"My dog doesn't bite. "
"Oh, yeah? How does he eat?"
About the Author: |
Jay Dyck has been, in alphabetical order, an actor, artist, author, bum, carpenter, dancer, ditchdigger,drifter, electrician, father, gardener, goatherder, helper,hermit, hiker, husband, lover, lyricist, mountain climber, musician, Naval officer, poet, quartermaster, rebel, sailor, surfer, traveler, virgin, warrior, xenophobe and yogi.
Book Review: |
"Mountain lions, cowboys, witches and murder," …is how Jay Dyck describes his newest novel.
Most of the characters in this spellbinding adventure don’t ever get to see Tawngness, the wise mama cougar who prowls through the California scenery. Three generations of country people, a man named Johnny, his daughter, Cat One, and her son, Vikor, find their lives woven with murder, magic, and mystery. Another Johnny rides in the mountain moonlight. A family of fugitives hides in the secret depths of the arsenic mine. An old herdsman writes his memories, and out of it all steps Diana, the shy backcountry goddess.
“Riveting!” —Bill Westfall, Washington
“…a sweeping story of life in the mountains of Southern California …chilling, thought-provoking… …takes the reader on a startling ride down dusty lanes and up mountaintops …this important book is a cross between Zane Grey and John Steinbeck…”—Michael Clark, Las Vegas
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