Title: Thirty and One Days of Meditation for Victorious Living
Author: Gloria J. Harris
Category: Nonfiction, Religion & Spiritual, Poetry
Price: $12.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 93
ISBN Number: 0-9722306-0-2
Publication Date: March, 2003
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About this Book: |
Thirty and One Days of Meditation is a short biographical sketch about its author. It takes you into the life of a young woman who inherited family baggage. This baggage caused her to make unwise life decisions that resulted in her being a battered wife. Dr. Gloria Harris talks about her struggle with depression and low self esteem. She also includes 31 special Bible Scriptures with her comments of how they pointed her to help in dealing with her family, personal and professional life. Make no mistake! This is no ordinary writing, read about this honest, plain account of personal tragedy ranging from the theft of family property to incest. The story also reveals how she gained the power that helped her overcome with victorious results.
About the Author: |
Dr. Gloria Harris is a native of Cleveland, Ohio. Her civic, political activism and walk with God was inspired by her mother and grandmother. In 1966 she moved to Riviera Beach, Florida with her two children, re-married and became involved in the Republican political arena. She has served as chairperson to the Riviera Beach charter commission that legally abolished the laws of discirminnation against Blacks. She chaired the commission that erected the first section 23 housing for financially disadvantaged. She has worked as adjunct professor with the International Seminary and was one of the first Occupational Specialists in the state of Florida. She has traveled nationally and internationally, feeding the hungry and ministering in Haiti and Nigeria, West Africa. She is a strong defender of the instituion of marriage, family and faith based strength through Jesus Christ. She currently pastors an inner city church in Newark, New Jersey.
Book Review: |
I hope you enjoy this book as much as I. Thirty and One Days of Meditation will take you from being a victim to being a victor! Dr. Gloria Harris writes from a heart that has experienced pain and overcame to gain victory. She writes with revelation and understanding from the process of where she was to where she is.
Dr. John Kelly, President & Founder - L.E.A.D, Fort Worth, Texas
Ambassadorial Apostle, International Coalition of Apostles (ICA)
Dr. Gloria Harris is my very good friend of more than 25 years, however, I was totally surprised at some of her early experiences. Here is a meditative journal for each and everyone to utilize as continuous food for the soul and spirit as we encounter the daily challenges of life.
Mary Butler Hooks,
Former Florida Secretary of Labor and Employment Security
As a teenager, I found Thirty and One Days of Meditation to be a daily source of revitalization.
Colette Shefton, honor student - Montclair State University
Order/Contact Info: |
Dr. Gloria J. Harris
30 and One Days
Post Office Box 1425
Newark, New Jersey 07101-1425
ATTENTION: Ms. Fatisha Wright
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