Title: Decorating Basics: For Men Only!
Author: Gloria Hander Lyons
Category: Home & Garden
Price: $8.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 76
ISBN Number: 978-0-9790618-9-9
Publication Date: December, 2007
Website: www.BlueSagePress.com
Email: gloria@bluesagepress.com |
About this Book: |
This book is a step-by-step guide for the millions of men who live alone, whether single, divorced or widowed. Decorating your home is simple when you follow the suggestions in this no-frills, down-to-basics manual that offers: helful tips for clearing out the clutter, practical advice for making your rooms more functional and comfortable, and easy to follow steps for creating an attractive living space that you'll be proud to show off to friends and family.
About the Author: |
Gloria Hander Lyons has channeled 30 years of training and hands-on experience in the areas of art, interior decorating, crafting and event planning into writing and publishing creative how-to books. These books cover a wide range of topics including decorating your home, cooking, planning weddings and tea parties, crafting and self-publishing. Gloria also teaches interior decorating, self-publishing and event planning classes at her local community college.
Book Review: |
Order/Contact Info: |
Send check or money order payable to: Blue Sage Press, 48 Borondo Pines, La Marque, TX 77568. Price is $8.95 per book, plus $3.00 shipping for the first copy and $1.50 for each additional copy. Texas residents add 8.25% to total order. To order by credit card, go to: www.BlueSagePress.com.