Title: Phantom Memories
Author: Gary Younglove
Category: Travel, Nonfiction, History
Price: $22.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 296
ISBN Number: 1-59872-201-8
Publication Date: April 2006
Website: http://www.gdyounglove.net/phantoms
Email: bigg@gdyounglove.net |
About this Book: |
This book chronicles an exciting motorcycle trip by the author, a past Thunderbird, to visit all of the nine remaining F-4E Phantom II fighter aircraft that were assigned to the Thunderbird Squadron during his two year tour with the team in 1970-1972. The trip covered nearly 8,000 miles on two wheels from coast to coast through 16 states. Filled with over 85 color pictures, the book details the vistas, events and thoughts that constantly bombarded the author's senses along the way. It also contains inside information about events never before told.
About the Author: |
The author is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel who served with the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, better known as the Thunderbirds, from 1970 - 1972. He only recently took up motorcycling and decided to visit each of the aircraft he knew in the 70s - whereever they may be - as a good reason to ride his motorcycle.
Book Review: |
"I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed your book! I sat here by the pool on Sunday and couldn't put it down..."
Dick Pfeiffer - Past Thunderbird
"The book is great and you tell the story so well that it feels like I was right with you on the trip. 1 plus!! A quality job by a quality person."
John Zachem - Past Thunderbird
Order/Contact Info: |
Gary Younglove
28540 Jim Dandy Circle
Fair Oaks Ranch, TX, 78015
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